Fastest way to print files
Batch files printing tool has the capacity to execute files of all formats such as doc, docx, xls, pdf, txt, etc. & that too in huge amount without wasting anytime. The USP of this tool is time scheduling which aligns printing for a certain time and date. The ‘Hot Folder’ pocket in it prints a document automatically after a certain time that has to be done by the user only. Software of this kind has definitely given us the solution of printing multiple documents from one place. This is the best printing tool in the field at an accessible price.
How to print ducment files in batch process:
Broadcast batch printing is an innovative step towards getting printouts in a batch process from multiple printers. This unique printing tool has the ability to printout files of different formats like xls, xlsx, doc, docx, pdf, rtf, txt, html, etc. from multiple printers in one go. The task can be scheduled for a time & date of user’s choice as they want. ‘Directory Watcher’ folder prints document kept in it after a certain time i.e. set-up by the user. In short this broadcast printing tool is the best printing software at a reasonable price that can take printouts from many printers.
How to print ducment files in multiple printers: